SCHOBER Reverbatape

SCHOBER Reverbatape

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SCHOBER Reverbatape

SCHOBER Reverbatape

The SCHOBER Reverbatape is a solid state tape loop echo unit. It can be build in every SCHOBER organ or in the most organs from other brands. In contrast to the normal spring reverberation, it don't produce a reverberation, but it can immitate the echo of huge halls. It has an own power supply and it is simply mounted in the inside of the organ. With one control knob the echo intensity can be changed. It is also a self build kit like the SCHOBER organs.

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Many thanks to Pete Stark from the Schober Organ Orphans for the information and the pictures.
Schober Organ Orphans
Contact The SCHOBER Organ Orphans at webmaster: Pete Stark.